Breudwd Welsh Prose 1300-1425

NLW MS. Peniarth 15


NLW MS. Peniarth 15 contains 72,921 words in 146 pages.

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Texts in NLW MS. Peniarth 15:

p1 :1 Marwolaeth Mair (Religious)
p7 :17 Rhinweddau Gwrando Offeren (Religious)
p7 :38 Breuddwyd Pawl (Religious)
p11 :7 Epistol y Sul (Religious)
p12 :28 Rhybudd Gabriel (Religious)
p13 :9 Efengyl Ieuan (Religious)
p15 :1 Buchedd Dewi (Religious)
p25 :1 Buchedd Beuno (Religious)
p30 :29 Credo Athanasius (Religious)
p32 :16 Pa ddelw y dylai dyn gredu i Dduw (Religious)
p36 :14 Ymborth yr Enaid (Religious)
p54 :21 Ystoria Adrian ac Ipotis (Religious)
p62 :14 Ystoria Lucidar (Religious)
p115 :29 Gwlad Ieuan Fendigaid (Geography)
p127 :1 Credo (Religious)
p128 :19 Buchedd Fargred (Religious)
p138 :15 Buchedd Catrin (Religious)
p144 :11 Enwau ac Anrhyfeddodau Ynys Prydain (Geography)